Our Alcohol Care Team provide specialist expertise and care for alcohol dependent patients, and those presenting with acute intoxication or other alcohol-related complications, such as alcohol withdrawal seizures or Delirium Tremens, when attending our Emergency Department (ED) or admitted as an inpatient.

Our service also provides psychosocial interventions, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). We liaise with other hospitals and community services to provide patients with support and care pathways that aim to improve the likelihood of them remaining alcohol free.

We also provide outpatient clinic follow up to any patients who are on anti-craving medications, have alcohol related liver disease or wish to be supported in the community by the hospital team. 

More information

Patients can be referred to the Alcohol Care Team via: 

  • Following a hospital admission
  • From other specialist doctors within the hospital.

Any patients needing to be referred for an outpatient follow up by the Alcohol Care Team, e.g. for continuation of anti-craving medications or alcohol related liver disease, an appointment will be arranged within two weeks or nearest possible date.

Postal address:

Specialist Nurses office
3rd Floor 
Elective Care Building
Aintree University Hospital
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
L9 7LJ